ZOOM Presentation: Experiments in the rapid formation of limestone
(and maybe sandstone) by Jay Wile, Ph.D. (Nuclear Chemistry)
November 7, 2020

Adjunct professor of chemistry and physics at Anderson University in Anderson, IndianaLogos Research Associate; Education: Ph.D. in Nuclear Chemistry, B.S. in chemistry
Jay holds a Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry and a B.S. in chemistry, both from the University of Rochester. He has won several awards for excellence in teaching and has presented numerous lectures on the topics of Nuclear Chemistry, Christian Apologetics, Homeschooling, and Creation vs. Evolution. He has published more than 30 articles in the peer-reviewed scientific literature, mostly based on the research he did for the National Science Foundation, but he is best known for his award-winning “Exploring Creation With...” series of junior high and high school science textbooks and as well as his elementary science series that teaches science in the context of history. He is currently an adjunct professor of chemistry and physics at Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana. Dr. Wile is also a Logos Research Associate.
Links to Selected Papers & Books:
- Science in the Beginning
- Exploring Creation with General Science
- Discovering Design with Chemistry
- Reasonable Faith: The Scientific Case for Christianity
- A Time-Independent Measurement of the Speed of Light
- Beneficial Mutations?
- Decay Patterns of Dysprosium Nuclei Produced in 32S + 118,124Sn Fusion Reactions
- Evidence for Radial-Energy Scaling of Non-Equilibrium Neutron Yield in Damped 139La + 40Ar Reactions
Website Links: - Jay's Blog
- Curriculum vitae
7:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time, Saturday, November 7, 2020. Please log in 5 minutes early, greet one another, and make yourself comfortable. Then, at 7:30 sharp, please mute your microphone. At the conclusion of the presentation and the beginning of Q&E, please feel free to unmute your microphone to ask questions.
ZOOM Presentation: Beyond Is Genesis History? - First half of Volume 3
October 17, 2020

We will watch Del Tacket discuss a number of pertinent questions with scientists in a series of short interviews. Program begins at 7:30pm Pacific Daylight Time.
~ What Is the Evidence for the Tower of Babel? ( with Dr. Doug Petrovich )
~ How Is the Moon's Design Evidence for God's Creation? (with Dr. Danny Faulkner)
~ What Do Ancient Bible Documents Show Us? (with Dr. Steven Boyd)
~ Why Do Some Evangelicals Accept Evolution? (with Dr. Douglas Kelly)
~ How Does Genesis Provide a Structure for Morality? (with Dr. George Grant)
~ What Artifacts are Related to the Tower of Babel? (with Dr. Doug Petrovich)
~ What is the Evidence for Genesis 1 being a Narrative Text? (with Dr. Steve Boyd)
~ How did Augustine View the 6 Days of Creation? (with Douglas Kelly)
~ What are the Problems with the Big Bang? (with Dr. Danny Faulkner)
~ Why is the Flood Important to the Doctrine of Judgment? (with Dr. George Grant)
~ Why Genesis is Truly History (with Hebraist Dr. Steven Boyd)
~ Why Did the Church Switch from Believing in Creation to Evolution? (with Dr. Douglas Kelly)
~ Why should we believe Genesis is history? (with Dr. Douglas Kelly)
7:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time, Saturday, October 17, 2020. Please log in 5 minutes early, greet one another, and make yourself comfortable. At 7:30 sharp, please mute your microphone. At the conclusion of the presentation, please feel free to unmute your microphone to converse.
Creation Science Fellowship (formerly) of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
Saturday, October 17, 2020 7:30 – 9:30pm
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- 10 minutes before.