Jay Seegert, B.S. Physics, A.S. Engineering Technology, gave a presentation titled “Surprise… the Bible Explains That!” (Basic premise of this talk is that fairly often scientists discover things that are very confusing to them and hard to make sense of. However, the Bible explains very well what was so perplexing to the secularist and it fits in very naturally with the Christian worldview.) About our Speaker: Jay Seegert is the Co-Founder and Managing Director for The Starting Point Project (TheStartingPointProject.com) and the author of “Creation & Evolution: Compatible or In Conflict?”. He has conducted over 2,000 lectures, mostly in the US, but also in in 5 other countries. Jay has degrees in both Physics (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater) and Engineering Technology (John Brown University, Arkansas). He has been speaking on Creation, Evolution and the Authority of Scripture for over 31 years, as well as many other apologetic topics. He is also a representative speaker for Ratio Christi (a global movement equipping university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ). Additionally, Jay serves on the Board of Directors for Logos Research Associates and is one of their Research Associates.
Leonard Brand, Ph.D. (Paleontology) gave a presentation titled, "CAN THE BIBLE INFORM SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH?" About our speaker: Leonard Brand is Professor of Biology and Paleontology in the Department of Earth and Biological Sciences, at Loma Linda University. He received his PhD at Cornell University in 1970 and has been on the LLU faculty since then. He teaches courses in paleontology, vertebrate biology, and philosophy of science. His research focuses on the processes of fossilization and the geological factors that influence preservation of fossils. He has published over 35 scientific research papers and numerous articles in church publications. He has published three books, which have been translated into one or more other languages. He has received a Zapara Award for Distinguished Teaching, a best student paper award at national meetings, and a Distinguished Service Award from LLU. His strongest long-term interest has been developing a Bible-centered approach to the integration of faith and science. The new 3rd edition of the textbook, "Faith, Reason, and Earth History: A Paradigm of Earth and Biological Origin by Intelligent Design," by Drs. Leonard Brand and Arthur Chadwick is available for FREE at https://www.adventistlearningcommunity.com/faith-reason-earth-history. Hard copies are available from Amazon.com, or from www.universitypress.andrews.edu. Dr. Brand's first example of how the Bible can inform research dealt with the origin of track ways in Coconino Sandstones of the Grand Canyon. Conventional wisdom declares the Coconino Sandstones were laid down as sand dunes in a dry, desert environment, millions of years ago. But, the Bible's account of Earth history suggests a chronology of only thousands, not millions or billions of year. This constraint makes the Genesis Flood the best candidate for both the laying down of sediment deposits and the channeling of the Grand Canyon. This perspective drives questions that never occur in the conventional paradigm. These include, "Can animals leave such finally detailed track ways in desert sand dunes as are found in Coconino Sandstones?" Experiments demonstrate they cannot. However, experiments also demonstrate that amphibians walking on underwater sand waves can and do leave precisely the kind of finely detailed track ways found in the Coconino. The Bible informs research in places where other worldviews do not even think to look, and thereby inspires scientific discovery. Heinz Lycklama, Ph.D., (Nuclear Physics) gave a presentation titled, "WHAT ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING?" What About Global Warming? Description: The issue of Global Warming (GW), now referred to as Climate Change (CC), has received a lot of attention in the press. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued its Fifth Assessment Report. The IPCC claims that GW is occurring at a rapid rate, that GW is largely due to the increased burning of fossil fuel, and that we face dire consequences if we don’t cut back on greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) has concluded that Nature, not Human Activity, rules the Climate. We explore the science behind these different conclusions. GW alarmists tell us, in effect, that “the end is near” unless drastic state-imposed restrictions are imposed now on our consumption of CO2 emitting fossil fuels – despite God’s promise to Noah – Gen. 8:22. Other climate scientists claim that any GW is largely due to natural causes such as sun irradiance, the El Nino phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, etc. This raises some legitimate questions – 1) What are the facts? 2) What is the appropriate biblical perspective? 3) Should we be concerned? and 4) Is there another agenda? A short video produced by The Idea Channel entitled History of Climate Change in Greenland provides a historical perspective on GW. Heinz has done an independent analysis of the GW issue (see www.heinzlycklama.com/gw) and sent the results of his findings and recommendations to many of the leading climate scientists around the world. Gen. 8:22, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” |
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