Andy McIntosh, DSc, FIMA, C.Math, FInstE, CEng, FInstP, MIGEM, FRAeS, gave a presentation titled, "FINGERPRINT OF INTELLIGENCE: THERMODYNAMICS AND INFORMATION". About our Speaker: The initials above stand for: DSc - Doctor of Science ( a research degree above Ph.D.); FIMA - Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics; CMath - Chartered Mathematician; FEI - Fellow of the Energy Institure; CEng - Chartered Engineer; FInstP - Fellow of the Institute of Physics; MIGEM - Member of the Institute of Engineers and Managers; FRAeS - Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. Professor Andrew Charles McIntosh is a Visiting Research Professor at the University of Leeds, England, where he has lectured and researched in the field of Combustion and Explosions for over 20 years. His research has included investigations involving fluids (the interaction of pressure waves with flames) as well as solids. In the area of heterogeneous combustion he is interested in the safety of reactive substances, which can include traditional fuels such as coal, but also may include agrochemicals, some of which are now being used widely to increase crop yields, but in bulk can have unusual ignition properties. Unusual chemical behavior is also being studied in collaboration with industry, with a view to developing carbon capture reactors for energy generation. In the last few years Professor McIntosh has been involved in research in the area of biomimetics where the minute combusion chamber of the bombardier beetle has inspired a patented novel spray technology. This led to research first sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), followed by extensive funding from industry to apply the technology to fuel injectors, pharmaceutical sprays, aerosols, and fire extinguishers. Professor McIntosh is a trained mathematician and has worked in aerodynamics at Cranfield University and the Royal Aircraft Establishment (Bedford) before going to Leeds where he gained a DSc in 1998 and a personal chair in 2000. He became a Fellow of the Institute of Physics in 2002 and in 2003 was elected a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. He has over 180 publication in Journals and Conferences and has lectured widely internationally on these subjects and on the scientific question of origins on which the discipline of thermodynamics has a fundamental bearing. Professor McIntosh has also been named a Logos Research Associate. streamed a live debate between Professor Andy McIntosh and evangelist-for-Christ-turned-evangelist-for-atheism, Dan Barker on September 26. The debate took place in San Diego. The question of the debate was, "Does Atheism Make Sense of Reality?" The debate was recorded, and for a limited time can be viewed at the link provided here,
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Jerry Bergman, A.A. (Biology & Behavioral Sciences), B.S. (Psychology), M.Ed. (Education, Counseling), Ph.D. (Evaluation & Research, Psychology), M.A. (Sociology), Ph.D. (Human Biology), MSBS (Biomedical Science), M.P.H. (Public Health), M.S. (Medicine), gave two back-to-back presentations, one titled, "DARWINISM IS THE DOORWAY TO ATHEISM," and the other titled, "C.S. LEWIS PREDICTED SCIENCE TOTALITARIANISM." About our speaker: Dr. Bergman is newly retired from teaching biology, biochemistry, and anatomy at Northwest State College in Archbold, Ohio, and was an adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Toledo Medical College. Dr. Bergman has been named a Logos Research Associate. He has 9 degrees, including a Doctorate from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. His over 1,000 publications are in both scholarly and popular science journals. Dr. Bergman’s work has been translated into 13 languages including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Polish, Czech, Chinese, and Swedish. His books and, or books that include chapters that he authored, are in over 1,500 college libraries in 27 countries. So far over 80,000 copies of the 40 books and monographs that he has authored or co-authored are in print. He has spoken over 2,000 times to college, university and church groups in America, Canada, Europe and Africa. |
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