Geologist Bill Hoesch, M.S., gave a presentation titled, "GRAND CANYON: MONUMENT TO AN ANCIENT EARTH, OR MONUMENT TO CATASTROPHE?" About our Speaker: Bill left a career in the energy industry that included posts as well-site geologist, field engineer, and explorationist in Wyoming, Angola, and Kenya, to earn an M.S. in geology as a means of better reconciling biblical history with the rock record. Adept in the field and lab, Bill has assisted in Grand Canyon field investigations of Mississippian and Cambrian strata and performed mineral separations on Precambrian mafic rocks for the purpose of isochron dating. He has also served as field trip director, public speaker, and has authored dozens of contributions for creationist literature.
We watched the movie, "IS GENESIS HISTORY?" hosted by Del Tacket, Creator of "The Truth Project." IS GENESIS HISORY? is a fascinating new look at the biblical, historical, and scientific evidence for Creation and the Flood. Learn from more than a dozen scientists and scholars as they explore the world around us in light of Genesis. Dr. Del Tacket, creator of "The Truth Project," hikes through canyons, climbs up mountains, and dives below the sea in an exploration of two competing views... one compelling truth. Those who have long attended meetings of the Creation Science Fellowship of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa may have recognized some of the scientists featured in this film. Drs. Steve Austin, Paul Nelson, Andrew Snelling, Kevin Anderson, and Danny Faulkner have all spoken to the Creation Science Fellowship in years past. Drs. Robert Carter, Marcus Ross, and Larry Vardiman have also spoken at creation conferences held here on campus. |
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