![]() Literally five years and a day after presenting an earlier version, David Dana-Bashan returned to the Creation Science Fellowship of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa to deliver an improved and updated, "16 Nearly Impossible Issues for Evolutionists to Answer." David argues, ". . . Any solutions that evolutionists propose to such issues, inevitably and invariably violate basic, well-known laws of mathematics, physics, and chemistry." About our speaker: Mr. Dana-Bashian has a B.S. in Mathematics, an M.S. in Mathematics, and a B.S. in Chemistry (A.C.S. Certified), all from Purdue University. He is a member of the honorary chemistry fraternity Phi Lambda Upsilon, and has a lifetime of experience in the hard sciences. David is also one of the five dozen persons in the world who have been identified as possessing Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory. Give him the date of any day in history, and he can tell you on what day of the week it occurred and relate that day to events of the time. For dates in his own life time, he can tell you headline news items of that day, week, and month, and what songs were popular on the radio.
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