The Human Genome: ENCODED by Design![]() Fazale "Fuz" Rana. Ph.D. (Chemistry) gave a presentation titled, "The Human Genome: ENCODED by Design." Many people think that the most compelling evidence for human evolution is the shared junk DNA sequences found in corresponding regions of the genomes of humans and the Great Apes. Why would a Creator introduce identical nonfunctional DNA sequences in these genomes? On the other hand, if these genomes represent the outworking of an evolutionary history, then the shared features evince common descent. But what if these junk DNA sequences are actually functional? They could be understood as evidence for common design. Remarkably over the course of the last decade, biologists have come to learn that virtually every class of junk DNA has function, culminating with the publication of the Phase 2 results of the ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) project in 2011. These results indicated that minimally 80 percent of the human genome consists of functional elements. Subsequent work indicates that this percentage will only increase. The ENCODE project has radically changed the way we view the human genome. Instead of representing a collage of evolutionary vestiges, it appears to be an elegantly designed system. Attendees learned how ENCODE has turned one of the greatest challenges to the Christian faith into one of the most compelling reasons to believe. About our speaker: Dr. Rana is vice president of research and apologetics at Reasons to Believe. Fuz earned a BS in chemistry at West Virginia State University and a PhD in chemistry with an emphasis in biochemistry at Ohio University. He pursued postdoctoral studies in the biophysics of cell membranes at the Universities of Virginia and Georgia, has coauthored numerous papers for peer-reviewed journals, and holds two patents. Fuz converted to Christianity during graduate school. Though he initially embraced the evolutionary paradigm, Fuz eventually drew the conclusion that only a Creator’s involvement could explain the elegance of biochemical systems. Today, Fuz writes and speaks extensively about evidence for creation emerging from biochemistry, genetics, human origins, and synthetic biology. He is the author of multiple books, including Dinosaur Blood and the Age of the Earth and The Cell’s Design.
'BIOMIMETICS' - MEANS GOD INVENTED IT ![]() Thomas Kindell, M.A. (Biblical Studies), D.Ph.Th., gave a presentation titled, "'BIOMIMETICS' - MEANS GOD INVENTED IT FIRST." About our speaker: Dr. Thomas Kindell was once an ardent believer in the “fact” of evolution. However, through his exposure to the scientific case for creation, he became a zealous creationist. He received advanced training in scientific creationism through the Graduate School of the Institute for Creation Research, then in Santee, California. He has been privileged to study under several of the world's most prominent creationist scientists. He also has studied Christian Apologetics and Biblical-Scientific Creationism at California Graduate School of Theology where he received his M.A. in Biblical Studies. He holds a Doctorate in Philosophy of Theology (major in philosophy of Biblical apologetics.)Dr. Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries, Inc., a non-profit ministry dedicated to equipping Christian believers to “give every man an answer” for their Biblical faith. For over 30 years he has engaged in a traveling teaching ministry lecturing on Biblical apologetics and the scientific case for creation. He is an ordained Calvary Chapel pastor devoted to full-time teaching of Creation-Science apologetics. Dr. Kindell has successfully debated the scientific case for creation against notable evolutionists on high school and college campuses, radio, and television. He is a frequent guest on the radio series “Science, Scripture & Salvation” which is produced by the Institute for Creation Research. He is the author of the acclaimed book, “Evolution on Trial.” He is a member of the Oregon Design Science Association and is a lifetime sustaining member of the Creation Research Society. Dr. Kindell’s creation‑science seminar has been repeatedly acclaimed as one of the very best in the nation and was enthusiastically endorsed by the late Dr. Duane T. Gish, Senior Vice‑President Emeritus of the Institute for Creation Research. Dr. Kindell is available full-time on a free will offering basis for speaking engagements throughout the United States and abroad.Program to be determined. |
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